blogging our home building process

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Raisin' the Roof

Unfortunately, "Raisin' the Roof" in our scenario does not mean "party!"  Lugging heavy lumber (30' LVLs) and scaling heights to throw down some nails is not my idea of "fun".  The week began installing the ceiling rafters in the upstairs bedrooms and building the trusses - that's right, built by hand.   We also installed the living room ceiling rafters and roof joists.  Since the roof over the living room is a 12 pitch, installing the joists blew chunks and they kicked our butts for 2 days (nothing like trying to hold on to something that weighs 150 pounds whilst gravity fights you and certain death awaits 40 feet below). If anyone reading this wants to donate a 50' all terrain man lift for a month, that would be awesome.  The rest of the week was pretty much the same...building and installing trusses, rafters and beams.  I am worn out so we will let the pictures do the talking! ;)

view from roof - too bad we couldn't add just one more story

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